How to Stop Hands Burning From Hot Peppers

Hands Burning From Hot Peppers

Hands Burning


So you’ve done it at least once before. You have scorching pepper hands because you didn’t follow all the relevant instructions and wear gloves when cutting peppers. It happens!

Even though I suggest the use of nitrile gloves and eye protection, there are times when I have to slice jalapenos without them because I’m in a rush. Your hands will start to burn from the peppers even if little to no hot pepper juice is present. Frustrating.

Therefore, this article is for those who need a gentle reminder to take those necessary precautions. Use these techniques to relieve hot pepper hands quickly and prevent future occurrences.

Jalapenos Burning Your Hands: Why It Occurs

Jalapenos are sufficiently hot enough that they can cause a burn in the mouth or skin. You might wind up with badly inflamed skin if you don’t wear nitrile gloves while chopping hot chilli peppers (yes, they should be nitrile).

Jalapeno oil burning can begin hours after you’ve completed cooking your dish! In the Pepper Geek home, we refer to this as “jalapeno hands,” which occurs much too frequently.

It’s not just that the hands are susceptible; other parts of the skin may be as well. You can get a spicy burn later if enough capsaicin gets on your face, ears, eyes, nose, or other sensitive areas.

The chemical component known as capsaicin is the cause of hot pepper burn. All hot peppers contain this molecule, which gives them their enticing, scorching flavour. However, any tissue, including your skin, can experience its effects.

When you acquire a hot chilli burn on your skin, it might linger for days if the burn is severe enough. This is because saliva and digestive enzymes are the mouth’s natural cleansing agents. Since this does not happen on the skin, you must handle a hot pepper burn on the skin differently.

How to Prevent Chilli Pepper Burn on the Skin and Hands

Don’t worry; if you follow our advice, you can quickly halt the burn. In essence, you want to wash the chilli oils off your skin and relieve the discomfort.

Remember that the peppers’ spicy component, capsaicin, is an oily material. This means that we must apply some form of detergent to remove it from the skin.

Water is ineffective! Water cleaning will make the situation worse. So use this advice to put a halt to the chilli burn quickly.

Use dish soap to clean.

The detergent is dish soap. It is safe on the skin and is designed to remove fats and oils from your dishware. Dish soap is the ideal element for removing oils from your skin.

Start by scrubbing your hands with a good amount of dish soap and a few drops of water.

Let the capsaicin and pure detergent emulsify as you lather the affected skin. Then, use cool water to rinse the soap away.

If, after one wash, the burn does not seem to be alleviated, repeat this procedure several times. More cleaning will be necessary to eliminate all the oils the more severe the burn.

Use a soft toothbrush or a soft sponge to scrub the dish soap under your fingernails gently.

We don’t recommend putting dish soap on your lips or putting it in your mouth. Dish soap should only be used externally because many of them are harmful when consumed.

Put Milk On It

The best remedy for a burning pepper mouth is milk, by far. However, it can also be used to treat the skin exceptionally successfully. The fats in milk aid in the breakdown of the pepper oils and offer quick, albeit transient, relief.

For the most outstanding results, use cold, full-fat milk, and feel free to immerse for as long as you like. Fill a bowl with milk, then leave it alone because it won’t harm your skin.

The effect will fade as the milk heats, and the burn will return. To extend the relief, stir in some ice cubes to the milk.

Allow Some Time

Sadly, there is nothing left to do but wait. Chilli oil cannot be entirely removed from the skin with any old technique. Allowing some time will allow your skin to eventually shed, and the oils will be removed entirely from your tissue, bringing complete relief.

Wearing gloves is the most excellent approach to prevent burning from hot peppers until then.

Skip the shower!

After a shower, most people experience hot peppers scorching their hands or skin. This is so that the oil-based capsaicin on your skin can spread out rather than be washed off by massaging it with warm water.

The burn worsens because of this and because steamy water opens pores. Ouch.

Before you take a shower, be sure the capsaicin has been handled, so that you don’t have the pleasure of bringing the burning hot peppers to…other delicate places. No fun.

While talking about no-nos, there’s another significant one we should pay attention to. Don’t make contact with the eyes. It isn’t very good having a spicy burn in your eyes.

Usually, the answer is to wait and let your eyes cry it out naturally. Although you can flush with water or saline, it will be less effective. Your eyes will gradually drain the oil with tears if you have a spicy eye burn.

Put Aloe Vera Gel on.

Put some aloe vera gel on your hot pepper burn to treat it like a sunburn. Chilli skin burns can receive short-term treatment from aloe by promoting blood flow.

If none of the other remedies works or you don’t have any other components on hand, you can use aloe vera.

Other Potential Treatments For Chilli Burn

Potential Treatments For Chilli Burn


Have no milk, acidic beverages, or vegetable oils on hand? It’s alright. There are further actions you can take to alleviate the pain.

Gargling with sugar water is effective, but only while you are gargling. It provides temporary relief; the pain will return as soon as you spit it out.

Consuming alcohol: Capsaicin is soluble in alcohol, just like vegetable oils. A drink will ease some of your sufferings. But indeed, only some will find this to be a solution.

Placing Vaseline on the affected areas: Applying Vaseline to troublesome places is like covering up the discomfort. Vaseline can rapidly stop the burning sensation. This is merely a temporary fix. Avoid putting Vaseline in your mouth to soothe a burning chile.


If you’re ever in a situation where you must cook a dish with hot peppers, some steps can be taken to avoid the pain.

The best way to avoid the pain is by using gloves. You can also use ice or cold water to cool your hands down. If you don’t have gloves or cold water, you should use a wet towel or cloth. You could also put your hands in a bowl of ice and have someone else hold them there for a while.


What neutralises hot peppers on the skin?

Hot peppers are a fiery food that can make your mouth water and your eyes. However, they can burn your skin if you are not careful.

To neutralise the effects of hot peppers on the skin, you should use milk or cold water and then apply aloe vera gel or cucumber slices. You can also use ice cubes to cool down the burns.

How long does a pepper oil burn last?

The burning rate of pepper oil depends on the concentration of the pepper oil. The more concentrated it is, the faster it will burn.

As pepper oil burns at a high temperature, it will last for a short period. It can burn for up to an hour if you use it in a small area.

Does vinegar neutralise capsaicin?

Capsaicin is a compound in chilli peppers that gives them a spicy taste. It is also responsible for burning when you eat a hot pepper or apply it on your skin. The burning sensation is caused by the release of chemicals such as serotonin and substance P, which are known to cause pain.

Many people believe that vinegar can neutralise capsaicin, but this is not true because vinegar does not affect these chemicals.

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